I think I look at this website like every day, trying to hear other people share their stories about you. I've been real hesitant about actually writing something to you on here because I feel like I talk to you in my prayers anyway, but I think it's about time I actually put my thoughts down permanently. I remember the first time I met you. I remember totally GOOGLE-ING your name that night when I got home=). I remember the look on your face when I told you I wanted to name my son Malik and you told me that was your last name. I remember teasing you about protesting the war. I remember talking to you about your political beliefs, all of which revolved around having character and respect for all people. I remember calling you at like 11:53 pm the night before your 21st birthday because I was so anxious to wish you a Happy Birthday. I remember you completely shocking me by being willing to take a train to Ohio just to hang out with me for a couple days. I remember telling you so many of my secrets. I remember reading your palms. I remember looking at your sketchbook. I remember arguing with you about the most dumbest things, and I remember just holding your hand and watching tv in complete silence. Most of all, I remember you, and nobody can ever take that away from me. I KNOW I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN.