It's been years since we've spoken out loud. Yet the holidays always
find me talking to you. And now, as I try to type, I feel my thoughts
going all over the place. I thank you for always listening to me even
when I dont know the words that I want to say.
I remember you as a scrawny baseball player on the HPK White Sox team
(I think you were 9 at the time). I remember you at Ray and Kenwood.
I remember friendly interactions between your group of friends and my
group of friends. Always a sweet kid. Always a gentleman. So much
has happened in this world and I believe your magnetic personality and
passionate beliefs have helped to make so much of the good happen. I
thank you for all that you've done and all that you continue to do by
inspiring and being a driving force for so many.
A couple of weeks ago I worked at an event that promoted community
healing, especially for the families who have lost loved ones to
violence and as we did the praise circle we yelled out the names of
the lost ones, I yelled your name and prayed for justice. Thank you
for being my strength as an organizer and an individual.
During the holidays, I always find myself reminiscing about my family;
thinking about people who are or were in my life and where they are
now; praying for more years of happiness with those I love; most of
all I think about the importance of telling people I love them. It is
a cliche to give more during the holidays but I believe it's one of
those actions that we can never give too much of. So, even though
I've missed the actual day of your birth, many occasions to talk with
you in person, an never got a chance to get to know your family - I
love you and your family. What you all have taught me is invaluable.
I am thankful for your brilliant presence although too short and I am
thankful for your family molding you into an astounding and loving
Happy Turkey's to YOU Tombol!
Love Liz Wilkinson