Dear Malik family,
I remember your family from ray school and kenwood, i'm not sure you'd remember me, other than by face. When I first read about what happened i was trying to figure out if i knew tombol or not because the article said he went to kenwood and grew up in hyde park, well everyone knows everyone in hyde park! but then it clicked today when i read in the newspaper about the court hearing. i automatically remembered who the family was. i'm so so sorry about what happened to tombol and my heart goes out to the family. my younger brother is a couple years older than tombol was and also went to ray school, kenwood and UIC, and ironically, my brother looks very similar to tombol. when i looked at his website it almost brought tears to my eyes because i instantly thought, it's like it were my brother. growing up in hyde park as we all did, you can't help but feel connected to everyone even if you don't interact with them. hyde park is such a great community and filled with great people, unfortunately, it lost a great person. i didn't have to know him personally to know that, but just looking at the pictures explains it all. again, my deepest sympathy goes out to you and may your higher power bless you and get you through this time. in the end,those who committed this crime against tombol shall not prosper.
many blessings,
rhonda wormack-khan
"my children teach me everything i need to know about life, and they have made me a better person"
-rhonda RN, BSN