To the Malik family in rememberance of Tombol,
I first met Tombol when he was 16 or 17. I had the pleasure of working with him at the Florian for several years, but more importantly he was my friend. He was such a goofy kid.He was the guy who would say the
same joke over and over until someone laughed. I would often crack up so hard, I thought I would pee my pants. His jokes were usually terrible, but it was his determination to get a reaction that got to me. I always told Tombol he reminded me of "Fifel" from the American Tale move. Not only because of the hat he wore everyday for a year,but he would just look at you with the most ridiculous expression in his face.
More recently we would see eachother out on the town.Whenever I saw him,my girlfriends would say "who is that gorgeous guy?? Please introduce him to me!!" This to me was funny because like many of my friends, I
thought of Tombol as a little brother. However it is undeniable that Tombol was just coming into his own as a smart,kind,humorous,and handsome young man. He was taken from us too soon,and my heart breaks for everyone affected by this loss.
It is obvious Tombol was blessed with such a beautiful and strong family. My deepest thoughts and prayers are with them now and always..... I love you Tombol, and I am honored to have known you.
always, Kelly Hartford